Results for 'Julian Zubimendi Martinez'

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  1.  19
    Análisis del quehacer y del profesional en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.Yohanna Milena Rueda-Mahecha, Julián Andrés Martínez Rincón, César Augusto Silva-Giraldo & Carlos Arturo Martínez García - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-12.
    El presente artículo tiene por objetivo realizar un análisis del quehacer del profesional y especialista de seguridad y salud en el Trabajo de un grupo egresados de esta disciplina, este proceso parte del análisis de cuatro dimensiones, una primera enfocada a la parte demográfica, la segunda lo sociolaboral, la tercera a las barreras que se pueden presentar en la Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en las empresas y la cuarta enfocada en aspectos tecnológicos y de innovación en (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Analysis of the work and of the professional in safety and health at work.Yohanna Milena Rueda-Mahecha, Julián Andrés Martínez Rincón, César Augusto Silva-Giraldo & Carlos Arturo Martínez García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2).
    Retraction note: Rueda-Mahecha, Y. M., Martínez Rincón. J. A., Silva-Giraldo, C. A., & Martínez García. C. A. (2022). Analysis of the work and of the professional in safety and health at work. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities / Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(6), 2–12. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within (...)
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    Consciousness, time and science epistemology: an existentialist approach.Jorge Julian Sanchez Martinez - 2021 - Science and Philosophy 9 (2):47-60.
    In this work, the author presents an updated state-of-the-art study about the fundamental concept of time, integrating approaches coming from all branches of human cognitive disciplines. The author points out that there is a rational relation for the nature of time coming from human disciplines and scientific ones, thus proposing an overall vision of it for the first time. Implications of this proposal are shown providing an existentialist approach to the meaning of “time” concept.
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  4. Colin Meggin: ficción, carácter y estética moral.José Julián Martinez - 2007 - Apuntes Filosóficos 30.
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    Ficción, cuerpo y mente: el caso Dennett.José Julián Martínez - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (38):63-75.
    Resumen Este artículo examina el papel de la ficción como laboratorio mental, que ayuda al filósofo a plantear y discutir los diferentes análisis creados en el campo de la filosofía de la mente. De manera particular se enfoca en algunos de los cuentos que Daniel Dennett ha contado acerca del problema de la conciencia. Es por eso que este artículo también intenta responder preguntas como: ¿Cuál es la relación entre la conciencia y el Centro de Gravedad Narrativo propuesto por Dennett? (...)
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  6. Crítica de libros.Gustavo Sanchez, Gustavo Martinez, Julian Lombrana, Alberto Tunon & Elena Ronzon - 1984 - El Basilisco 16:83-95.
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    A mathematical assessment on the ontology of time.Jorge Julian Sanchez Martinez - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (2):91-104.
    In this work, we develop and propose an ontological formal definition of time, based on a topological analysis of the formal mathematical description of time, coming from approaches to both quantum theories and Relativity; thus, being compatible with all physical epistemological theories. We find out a mathematical topological invariability, thus establishing a rigorous definition of time, as fundamental generic magnitude. Very preliminary analysis of physical epistemology is provided; likely highlighting a path towards a final common vision between Quantum and Cosmology (...)
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    El profeta y el teólogo: inmanencia religiosa y trascendencia teológica en el pensamiento de Spinoza.Julian David Silva Martínez - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):185-216.
    La lectura que ha recibido Spinoza ha variado de acuerdo con la época y los intereses propios de sus intérpretes. Algunas lecturas, como las de sus contemporáneos, han encontrado en él una fuente de ateísmo radical, mientras el romanticismo lo llamará “el ebrio de Dios”. Estas interpretaciones también permiten hacer juicios sobre las religiones reveladas, es decir, sobre aquellas religiones positivas tales como el cristianismo, el judaísmo o el islam. Una lectura clásica de Spinoza ha denigrado totalmente la religión. En (...)
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  9. Daniel Dennett (2007): Romper el hechizo; la religión como fenómeno natural Buenos Aires. Katz Editores. 509 pp. [REVIEW]José Julián Martínez - 2011 - Apuntes Filosóficos 20 (38).
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    Diez consideraciones ético-jurídicas en relación con la reutilización y big data en el ámbito sanitario.Txetxu Ausín, María Belén Andreu Martínez, Julián Valero Torrijos & Joaquín Cayón de las Cuevas - 2021 - Dilemata 34:139-145.
    Various research groups with ongoing projects in the areas of personal data protection, reuse of public sector information and open data organised a seminar on October 29, 2020, on reuse and big data in the field of health in which researchers, managers and policymakers from different disciplines participated. Starting from the premise of the special importance that access to health data has as a resource for research, management and development of health products, treatments and interventions and, at the same time, (...)
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  11. Astrobiocentrism: reflections on challenges in the transition to a vision of life and humanity in space.Octavio Alfonso Chon-Torres, Julian Chela-Flores, David Dunér, Erik Persson, Tony Milligan, Jesús Martínez-Frías, Andreas Losch, Adam Pryor & César Andreé Murga-Moreno - 2024 - International Journal of Astrobiology 23 (e6):1-17.
    Astrobiocentrism is a vision that places us in a scenario of confirmation of life in the universe, either as a second genesis or as an expansion of humanity in space. It manages to raise consistent arguments in relation to questions such as what would happen to knowledge if life were confirmed in the universe, how would this change the way we understand our place in the cosmos? Astrobiocentrism raises a series of reflections in the context of confirmed discovery, and it (...)
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    Effects of Academic Degree and Discipline on Religious and Evolutionary Views in Chile and Colombia.César Marín, Victor Hugo García-Merchán, Julián David Arbeláez-Moreno, Esteban Camilo Ochoa-Berrío, Diego Martínez-Rincón & Guillermo D'Elía - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):54-74.
    Relationships between degree/area of academic formation and religious and Darwinian views are controversial. This study aimed to compare the religious beliefs and acceptance of Darwinian evolution between two contrasting South American scientific communities (Chile and Colombia), accounting for different degrees and areas of academic formation. In 2018, 115 last year bachelor students (surveyed as freshmen in 2014 for a previous study) from Chile, and 283 first/last year bachelor students, graduate students, and professors from Colombia, all belonging to biology, chemistry, or (...)
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    MARRADES, Julián : Wittgenstein: Arte y Filosofía. Plaza y Valdés Editores, Madrid, 2013. [REVIEW]Irene Martínez Marín - 2015 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 65:177.
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    De -ismos, materialismos y "otras cosas".Julián Jiménez Heffernan - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:199-238.
    Treinta y seis años después de su publicación original en 1982, se publica de nuevo el libro de Felipe Martínez Marzoa titulado La filosofía de El capital (Abada, Madrid, 2018). En este artículo persigo identificar las debilidades de una propuesta, presentada como original por su autor, que no ha sido corregida en su nueva versión. Dicha propuesta viene a decir que la teoría del valor presente en el primer libro de El capital exhibe una constitución ontológica indisociable de la condición (...)
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    Remo Bodei, Roberto espósíto, F. Martinez marzoa, J.l. Villacañas; Manuel Cruz (comp.): Los filósofos Y la política. [REVIEW]Julián López Cruchet - 2000 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 17:321.
    The role played by the movement of the ‘novatores’ determined the introduction of philosophical scientific European thought in Spain and was essential for the later development of Enlightment in Spain. Juan de Nájera represented the standard of modern thinker at the begining of the century and he intended to reconcile modern ideas with more traditional positions. He was a very example of a trend shared by most ‘novatores’ in early Eighteenth Century in Spain.
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    Barenstein, Julián. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, El lenguaje de la filosofía. De genere dicendi philosophorum. Estudio preliminar, traducción y notas. [REVIEW]Nicolás Martínez Sáez - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (1):209-211.
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    Modernidades coloniales: la obra de Juan Martínez de Ripalda (1641-1707) como respuesta jesuita en la controversia universitaria neogranadina del siglo XVII. [REVIEW]Julián Eduardo Sandoval Bravo - 2015 - Universitas Philosophica 32 (65):38-80.
    The work of the Jesuit Juan Martinez de Ripalda On the use and abuse of Divine Thoma’s doctrine it is a response to the dominical community accusations in the controversy sustained with the Jesuits in the seventeenth century about university academic privileges in the New Kingdom of Granada. The work is not only a historical record of the polemic; it also reveals the thematic content of the philosophical teachings of the Jesuits during the Colonial period. This paper places the (...)
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    Marcos Martínez Hernández. Sófocles. Erotismo, Soledad, Tradición. Ediciones Clásicas, Madrid, 2010, 239 pp. [REVIEW]María Inés Moretti - 2011 - Synthesis (la Plata) 18:149-151.
    Este trabajo indaga las resemantizaciones del mito de Venus en tres poetas latinoamericanos: Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío y José Lezama Lima teniendo en cuenta la intertextualidad y las poéticas correspondientes. This paper analyses the Venus myth appropiation into the poetry of Julián del Casal, Rubén Darío and José Lezama Lima considering their poetry and intertextuality.
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    An Embodied Predictive Processing Theory of Pain Experience.Julian Kiverstein, Michael D. Kirchhoff & Mick Thacker - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):973-998.
    This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for explaining the subjective character of pain experience in terms of what we will call ‘embodied predictive processing’. The predictive processing (PP) theory is a family of views that take perception, action, emotion and cognition to all work together in the service of prediction error minimisation. In this paper we propose an embodied perspective on the PP theory we call the ‘embodied predictive processing (EPP) theory. The EPP theory proposes to explain pain (...)
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  20. Are Events Things of the Past?Julian Bacharach - 2021 - Mind 130 (518):381-412.
    A popular claim in recent philosophy of mind and action is that events only exist once they are over. This has been taken to have the consequence that many temporal phenomena cannot be understood ‘from the inside’, as they are unfolding, purely in terms of events. However, as I argue here, the claim that events exist only when over is incoherent. I consider two ways of understanding the claim and the notion of existence it involves: one that ties existence to (...)
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  21. El olvido en Hernando Téllez: una mirada desde la autofiguración.Carlos Andrés Salazar Martínez - 2012 - Escritos 20 (44):139-153.
    En sus ensayos autofigurativos, más allá de proponer al lector una imagen de sí, Hernando Téllez revela la denodada lucha que libra por no permitir que la fuerza del olvido, inherente al transcurso de vida, lo alcance por completo. Su obra, que a través de una cuidadosa prosa consigue hacer sólidos planteamientos respecto a temas esenciales como el amor, la soledad, la infancia, la juventud y la vejez, logra también hacer guiños a la obra de un autor como Marcel Proust, (...)
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  22. Inculturación: Semántica eclesiológica.D. Salado Martinez - 1996 - Ciencia Tomista 123 (2):257-290.
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  23. Fact-value entanglement in positive economics.Julian Reiss - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (2):134-149.
    This paper presents arguments that challenge what I call the fact/value separability thesis: the idea, roughly, that factual judgements can be made independently of judgements of value. I will look at arguments to the effect that facts and values are entangled in the following areas of the scientific process in economics: theory development, economic concept formation, economic modelling, hypothesis testing, and hypothesis acceptance.
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    Complexes, rule-following, and language games: Wittgenstein’s philosophical method and its relevance to semiotics.Sergio Torres-Martínez - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (242):63-100.
    This paper forges links between early analytic philosophy and the posits of semiotics. I show that there are some striking and potentially quite important, but perhaps unrecognized, connections between three key concepts in Wittgenstein’s middle and later philosophy, namely, complex, rule-following, and language games. This reveals the existence of a conceptual continuity between Wittgenstein’s “early” and “later” philosophy that can be applied to the analysis of the iterability of representation in computer-generated images. Methodologically, this paper clarifies to at least some (...)
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  25. An Embodied Predictive Processing Theory of Pain.Julian Kiverstein, Michael David Kirchhoff & Mick Thacker - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (1):1-26.
    This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for explaining the subjective character of pain experience in terms of what we will call ‘embodied predictive processing’. The predictive processing (PP) theory is a family of views that take perception, action, emotion and cognition to all work together in the service of prediction error minimisation. In this paper we propose an embodied perspective on the PP theory we call the ‘embodied predictive processing (EPP) theory. The EPP theory proposes to explain pain (...)
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    ∞-Groupoid Generated by an Arbitrary Topological λ-Model.Daniel O. Martínez-Rivillas & Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (3):465-488.
    The lambda calculus is a universal programming language. It can represent the computable functions, and such offers a formal counterpart to the point of view of functions as rules. Terms represent functions and this allows for the application of a term/function to any other term/function, including itself. The calculus can be seen as a formal theory with certain pre-established axioms and inference rules, which can be interpreted by models. Dana Scott proposed the first non-trivial model of the extensional lambda calculus, (...)
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  27. In favour of a Millian proposal to reform biomedical research.Julian Reiss - 2010 - Synthese 177 (3):427 - 447.
    One way to make philosophy of science more socially relevant is to attend to specific scientific practises that affect society to a great extent. One such practise is biomedical research. This paper looks at contemporary U.S. biomedical research in particular and argues that it suffers from important epistemic, moral and socioeconomic failings. It then discusses and criticises existing approaches to improve on the status quo, most prominently by Thomas Pogge (a political philosopher), Joseph Stiglitz (a Nobel-prize winning economist) and James (...)
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  28. The fourfold.Julian Young - 1993 - In Charles B. Guignon (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Heidegger. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--373.
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  29. Phenomenal transparency and the boundary of cognition.Julian Hauser & Hadeel Naeem - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    Phenomenal transparency was once widely believed to be necessary for cognitive extension. Recently, this claim has come under attack, with a new consensus coalescing around the idea that transparency is neither necessary for internal nor extended cognitive processes. We take these recent critiques as an opportunity to refine the concept of transparency relevant for cognitive extension. In particular, we highlight that transparency concerns an agent’s employment of a resource – and that such employment is compatible with an agent consciously apprehending (...)
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  30. Counterfactuals, thought experiments, and singular causal analysis in history.Julian Reiss - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (5):712-723.
    Thought experiments are ubiquitous in science and especially prominent in domains in which experimental and observational evidence is scarce. One such domain is the causal analysis of singular events in history. A long‐standing tradition that goes back to Max Weber addresses the issue by means of ‘what‐if’ counterfactuals. In this paper I give a descriptive account of this widely used method and argue that historians following it examine difference makers rather than causes in the philosopher’s sense. While difference making is (...)
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    Género, emancipación y diferencia(s): la teoría política de Iris Marion Young.Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán - 2012 - Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid): Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Iris Marion Young fue una de las pensadoras feministas más importantes del último cuarto del siglo pasado. Su obra es reconocida internacionalmente como una de las aportaciones más creativas e influyentes de nuestra época. Con el objeto de celebrar su aporte único y su novedad y de mantener vivo su pensamiento, Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán desarrolla un riguroso análisis crítico de su obra desde las cuestiones de justicia social, democracia deliberativa y su relación con la teoría de la opresión, hasta el enfoque (...)
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  32. Death and transfiguration: Kant, Schopenhauer and Heidegger on the sublime.Julian Young - 2005 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):131 – 144.
    The feeling of the sublime is, says Kant, the bitter-sweet combination of fear and utter security that one experiences in the face of, for instance, the night sky or the raging torrent. Fear of what? Fear of - this, I suggest, was Kant's seminal insight - death. But how can these feelings co-exist? Surely the one cancels the other out? Schopenhauer's great insight, I argue, was that the explanation of the sublime requires a division of the personality into two - (...)
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  33. Inspired and Effective: The Role of the Ideal Self in Employee Engagement, Well-Being, and Positive Organizational Behaviors.Hector A. Martinez, Kylie Rochford, Richard E. Boyatzis & Sofia Rodriguez-Chaves - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explores the efficacy of a specific tool – the articulation of the ideal self – in job engagement, psychological well-being, and organizational citizenship behavior. We hypothesized that employees who can visualize their jobs as part of their ideal self – in particular how it helps in its development and realization – would feel higher levels of engagement and fulfillment in their lives, as well as engage in greater amounts of helping and voice OCB. A total of 239 full (...)
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  34. Dichoptic visual masking reveals that early binocular neurons exhibit weak interocular suppression: Implications for binocular vision and visual awareness.Stephen L. Macknik & Susana Martinez-Conde - 2004 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (6):1049-1059.
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    Moving from ‘fully’ to ‘appropriately’ informed consent in genomics: The PROMICE framework.Julian J. Koplin, Christopher Gyngell, Julian Savulescu & Danya F. Vears - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (6):655-665.
    Genomic sequencing technologies (GS) pose novel challenges not seen in older genetic technologies, making traditional standards for fully informed consent difficult or impossible to meet. This is due to factors including the complexity of the test and the broad range of results it may identify. Meaningful informed consent is even more challenging to secure in contexts involving significant time constraints and emotional distress, such as when rapid genomic testing (RGS) is performed in neonatal intensive care units. In this article, we (...)
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    Shifting the Geography of Reason as Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):7-20.
    The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s project of shifting the geography of reason requires five specific commitments of attunement: (1) to the languages we use, (2) to our expressive and perceptive capacities, (3) to the communities in which we are engaged and the ones we aspire to engage within, (4) to building culture through political struggle, and (5) to our situatedness and irreducible interconnectedness. Each of these commitments is developed toward identifying the mutually constructive relationship between communicology and creolization.
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  37. Arousal: Reports of Its Demise May Be Premature.Julian F. Thayer & Bruce H. Friedman - 2025 - Emotion Review 17 (1):23-25.
    The concept of general arousal has a long history in emotion research. However, the concept is more complex and nuanced than is generally appreciated. In this comment, we note some of the early conceptualizations of arousal and how they might comport with more modern representations of the construct. Importantly, we show how modern conceptualizations which incorporate the physiological complexity of arousal measurement and peripheral-central nervous system interactions might help to provide a more solid framework for the construct moving forward. The (...)
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  38. Anchoring Social Purpose Beyond ESG.Julian Friedland - 2024 - California Management Review 2024 (Summer).
    Wellbeing is classically considered a bi-product or externality of economic activity, which can either be positively or negatively influenced. This conventional view is returning to the fore in the face of renewed criticisms of ESG reporting standards as leading business astray from its core financial purpose. However, such reactivism overlooks the fact that wellbeing is the functional and overarching aim of human activity, which Aristotle defines as self-actualization. As such, any sound economic system must, in a fundamental way, enhance individual (...)
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    Contextualising Causation Part II.Julian Reiss - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1076-1090.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers have attempted to fix paradoxes of the counterfactual account of causation by making causation contrastive. In this framework, causation is understood to be not a two-place relationship between a cause and an effect but a three or four-place relationship between a cause, an effect and a contrast on the side of the cause, the effect or both. I argue that contrasting helps resolving certain paradoxes only if an account of admissibility of the chosen (...)
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    A vindication of transnational democratic education – replies to Michael Festl, Martin Beckstein and Michael Geiss.Julian Culp - 2020 - Ethics and Global Politics 13 (3):155-174.
    In Democratic Education in a Globalized World (Routledge, 2019) I defend a discourse theory of global justice as the appropriate normative1 ground for conceiving educational justice and citizenship education under conditions of economic and political globalization. In addition, I articulate democratic conceptions of global educational justice and citizenship education that recognize a moral-political right to democratically adequate education and call for the creation of transnational democratic consciousness. Based on these conceptions I spell out school practices such as historically informed, cross-cultural (...)
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  41. Pensamiento y acción : por qué la ética?por Javier Martinez Contreras - 2018 - In Pedro M. Sasía, Xabier Etxeberria, Javier Martínez Contreras & Galo Bilbao Alberdi (eds.), La perspectiva ética. Madrid: Tecnos.
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    Haunted experience: being, loss, memory.Julian Wolfreys - 2016 - Axminster, England: Triarchy Press.
    Julian Wolfreys starts with loss. All memory is the memory of loss... All that we are, all we experience, all we remember, all that we forget but which leaves nevertheless a trace on us, in us, a trace that countersigns and writes us as who we are (in effect the constellated matrix of Being's becoming): this is a process of loss. This just is loss. Loss is who we are. Loss is authentically the necessary and inescapable inessential essence of (...)
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    Sport Coaching Research and Practice: Ontology, Interdisciplinarity and Critical Realism.Julian North - 2017 - Routledge.
    Research shapes our understanding of practice in powerful and important ways, in sports coaching as in any other discipline. This innovative study explores the philosophical foundations of sport coaching research, examining the often implicit links between research process and practice, descriptions and prescriptions. Arguing that the assumptions of traditional single-disciplinary accounts, such as those based in psychology or sociology, risk over-simplifying our understanding of coaching, this book presents an alternative framework for sports coaching research based on critical realism. The result (...)
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  44. Poets and Rivers: Heidegger on Hölderlin’s “Der Ister”.Julian Young - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (2):391-.
    Between 1934 and 1942 Heidegger delivered three series of lectures on Hölderlin’s poetry. The discussion of “Der Ister” was the last of these, although Heidegger continued to think and write about Hölderlin into the 1960s. William McNeill and Julia Davis’s recent translation of the “Ister”— volume —is the first of the Hölderlin lectures to appear in English.
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    Rabbits.Julian Young - 1972 - Philosophical Studies 23 (3):170 - 185.
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    Emotional Valence Precedes Semantic Maturation of Words: A Longitudinal Computational Study of Early Verbal Emotional Anchoring.José Á Martínez-Huertas, Guillermo Jorge-Botana & Ricardo Olmos - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13026.
    We present a longitudinal computational study on the connection between emotional and amodal word representations from a developmental perspective. In this study, children's and adult word representations were generated using the latent semantic analysis (LSA) vector space model and Word Maturity methodology. Some children's word representations were used to set a mapping function between amodal and emotional word representations with a neural network model using ratings from 9‐year‐old children. The neural network was trained and validated in the child semantic space. (...)
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    The Efficacy of Music for Emotional Wellbeing During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Spain: An Analysis of Personal and Context-Related Variables.Pastora Martínez-Castilla, Isabel M. Gutiérrez-Blasco, Daniel H. Spitz & Roni Granot - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The strict lockdown experienced in Spain during March–June 2020 as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis has led to strong negative emotions. Music can contribute to enhancing wellbeing, but the extent of this effect may be modulated by both personal and context-related variables. This study aimed to analyze the impact of the two types of variables on the perceived efficacy of musical behaviors to fulfill adults’ emotional wellbeing-related goals during the lockdown established in Spain. Personal variables included age, gender, musical (...)
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  48. Meaning in eternity.Julian Joseph Potter - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 110 (1):27-45.
    The German philosopher and intellectual historian Karl Löwith is known and discussed mainly in the English language via his major work on secularization – Meaning in History, first written and published in English – and the more recently translated essays that criticize Martin Heidegger. However, Löwith’s body of work is rarely considered for the original contribution that it offers to the discourse on the questions of modernity and modern life. This oversight is due much to the way in which Hans (...)
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  49. Una lectura de Santo Tomás de Aquino.J. Martínez Zepeda - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37:47-75.
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  50. (1 other version)Schopenhauer's Critique of Kantian Ethics.Julian Young - 1984 - Kant Studien 75 (1-4):191-212.
    The paper examines fine criticisms schopenhauer makes of kant's ethics: (1) it makes the moral life too intellectual (2) he attempts to base morality on rationality or failure (3) the notion of a "categorical" imperative is unintelligible (4) kant's ethics is in fact endaemonic and his moral theology circular (5) universalisability commits kant to psychological egoism. schopenhauer is agreed with on (1) and (2), otherwise rejected.
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